Welcome to our Raiding Guide for King God Castle. This guide will not discuss any builds or raiding strategies but introduce raiding in King God Castle and how to set up your raid team.
Firstly, we will discuss the two raiding phases.
Phase 1 – Raid Team Forming

First, we form our squad by building a team and selecting our relics, altars, and heroes.
As you can see here, you can also select a mercenary. Your alliance (guild) members provide this mercenary. This is how your alliance members support you with their heroes.
Note that you may only have one mercenary in your squad, so be sure to use mercs if your alliance member provides a better hero.
You may also support alliance members with your mercenary on the forming page in the ‘My Mercenary’ section.

You will fight through 10 rounds of Divine Warriors throughout the forming stage, starting with 10 silver. Successfully defeating them each round will grant you more silvers and Divine power. Divine Power increases the difficulty in the next round but also increases the damage you will deal on Divine Boss during Phase 2.
Between each round, you can access the forge, purchase from the merchant, or choose between more Divine Power or silver. Choosing Divine Power will make the later stages very hard, so choose a balance between Divine Power and silver until you are confident your squad will survive the onslaught. This guide won’t advise which options will be best for your team. Instead, try and go through the stages to see what works best for you.
After forming your teams during Phase 1, you can head to Phase 2 by completing all the rounds.
Phase 2 – Boss Attack

On this page, at the bottom right, there is an option for you to practice runs with your already-formed squads to see how much damage they can do.
Since you can rebuild your squad up to 5 times daily, try to build the best team to beat the boss. Otherwise, after you dispatch your raiders, you’ll have to wait for the daily reset to either reform or dispatch your raiders again.
While attacking the boss, the amount of Divine Power you saved during phase 1 will be shown on the interface, turning into bonus damage to the boss. You will consume Divine Power as you attack the boss, eventually fully depleting to a 0% damage bonus, where you will only deal standard damage.
Obtaining as much Divine Power as possible while comfortably clearing all stages throughout phase 1 is key here.
You may form up to 2 teams for your raids, and each team may have 3 chances to attack the boss before you need to reform them (If you feel your build is good enough and don’t want to reform them). The flags located below your squad are the number of chances left to hit the boss before you must reform.
Defeating a Boss
If you defeat a boss while attacking, you can defeat the next boss with your team fully healed.
Raid Rewards
As a guild, you want to defeat as many bosses as possible to earn Raid Tokens. You can use raid tokens to purchase rewards such as King’s Tokens, Combine Stones, and God’s Scrolls. These are essential rewards for strengthening your relics and leveling up your heroes.
While forming squads, you can’t use the same heroes to build in 2 teams. However, you will see other heroes in the other team (as shown in the picture below, ‘using’ in green text). So be sure to build combinations wisely. Think about which unit will carry the match and build around that unit without compromising your other team.

Each raid team can reform up to 5 times per day (So if you mess up a build during a run, You can do better).
You can form 2 teams. Each team will have 3 chances to attack, shown as the flags. If you use up those chances, you’ll need to reform.
You may decide if you want to keep the build at round 10 if you are rebuilding with the same build. So you won’t be losing a great build when you mess up the current one.
A pop-up will ask if you want to keep the current formation after you finish round 10.
You can practice battling any boss by scrolling through bosses on the boss screen. There are left and right arrows on the boss tab, shown by the blue circles.

When attempting to reform a raid team to get better item/tier variations, you’ll be met with a team replacement confirmation at the end of Round 10 victory; HOWEVER, if you lose Round 10, it will force replace your team. To avoid this, at the beginning of Round 10, after you’ve seen the tier 4 item and have no intentions of keeping the team, push the retreat button at the top right of your screen and confirm to exit. By doing this, you will save your previous team.