What are Factions in Rush Royale
Factions are groups of units that belong to a specific community new to Rush Royale in version 6.0.
These factions are:
- Forest Alliance
- Magic Council
- Technogenic Society
- Kingdom of Light
- Dark Domain
- All Factions
Currently, the only factors that factions affect are Faction Blessings, which grant a specific faction a powerful buff for an entire week, and faction cores that are used to unlock unit talents.
Faction Blessings in Rush Royale
The introduction of Faction Blessings is a very welcome change. It ensures that people play different decks every week and meta decks are not played consistently until certain units get buffed or nerfed.
Some faction blessings are increased by using more units within that faction.
Eg – Increases mana generation by 15% for every unit you have selected in this faction. If you choose 5 units within the selected faction for that week, you will receive 75% more mana during each game!
Other faction blessings will specifically target units within the selected faction.
Eg – Increases the merge rank of a unit in the selected faction by 1 every 60 seconds. In the image shown below, you can see how this ability targets units in the Magic Council. I ensure that Thunderer is the only unit in the Magic Council on the board, you can see how this next to a Hex can be absolute domination!
On some weeks, you get no faction blessings whatsoever during a period of calm and the original meta decks come back into play.
It is very important to know which blessing is active during the week so you know whether your favorite decks are strong or weak and vice versa (and the other way round), otherwise you can quickly find yourself losing game after game.
You should instead use this opportunity to figure out and play a deck that nobody has ever seen before.
This is the beauty of faction blessings, you have a great opportunity to mess around with different units and have fun playing wacky decks that would never usually work because certain units don’t have enough rank, or perhaps the early game would be too difficult without sufficient mana from the faction blessing.
Talents in Rush Royale
Talents are a huge feature released in version 10.0, granting previously rather mediocre units that were never played a chance to shine and become incredibly powerful!
This can turn Priestess into an absolute mana-making powerhouse that actually deals some damage too!
Each unit will unlock a pair of talents at levels 9, 11, and 13 which the user can switch between at will, making talents very versatile, and then a final strong talent at level 15 – So make sure you level your units up to be able to use these talents!
Talents are not active during temporary events such as: Mirror Match, Rush for Glory & Royal Trials
Faction Cores in Rush Royale

To unlock talents, you need to ascend the unit by using a specific number of faction cores. The number of faction cores required is dependent on the rarity of the unit (common, rare, epic, legendary) and which level you are ascending to (9, 11, 13, 15) – Obviously increasing with rarity and level.
You can obtain faction cores through the season pass rewards, season ladder rewards and special offers that are specific to faction cores.
Reaper Example
I will post an image describing Repear’s abilities normally, the unit seems rather mediocre and you would need a full board of Reapers to make any substantial impact, but say goodbye to any boss/miniboss damage.
However, after reading the talents, this unit can become extremely powerful, more powerful than a selection of Legendary units!
With talents, Reaper can:
- Generate a huge amount of mana (+5 mana for every merge rank)
- Have a chance of spawning ghosts on the enemies side of the field when it executes units
- Have a chance of instantly killing units around the unit it has instantly killed
- Destroy common monsters after merging, increasing on merge rank