How to Spend Gold in Rush Royale
Gold is only used in a limited number of ways in Rush Royale:
Upgrading units/heroes.
Upgrading/Crafting items.
Purchasing goods from the shop.
The #1 golden rule for gold is to save 40,000 gold and to have it in stock at all times so you can purchase a legendary card from the shop when it pops up!
Legendary cards are very rare, if there is a specific legendary card you are after, it may many many months for you to obtain it without spending any real-life money, so save the 40,000 gold.
Upgrading Units
Upgrading units has 2 benefits:
Increases the damage and/or utility of the unit you are upgrading.
Increases your overall critical strike rating.
Both of these points are as important as each other, but you should always focus on units that you use more often first.
If there is a unit that you will use a lot such as Inquisitor, you will want to upgrade it as high as possible.
Upgrading units can become very expensive quickly, so if you want to solely focus on upgrading your critical strike rating, upgrade all of the cheapest units before advancing to the more expensive ones.

How To Get More Gold
The best way to obtain gold is to spam Co-Op mode.
40,000 may seem like a lot of gold at the beginning, but when you know how to farm gold through Co-Op mode, it suddenly doesn’t seem like much of a chore.
I would highly advise, however, that you join a clan with a decent amount of clan reputation before you start gold farming because you earn a % more gold based on the amount of reputation your clan members have in total.
On top of the regular bonus, you get additional bonuses if you play Co-Op with a member of your clan.
Reach the highest wave that you can and this will be the fastest way to earn gold.
On top of this, you should always watch all your ads so that you can open the mega-ad chest which is unlocked after watching 10 ads.
This contains a handful of gold that ranges between 150 to 2000 gold depending on the number of trophies you have obtained.

The image shows how clan reputation has an impact on the amount of gold you can earn.
How To Earn Gold Through Co-Op
To earn gold efficiently through Co-Op, one of the players should be dealing damage and the other player should support the damage dealer.
Typically you will see the damage dealer play either high-damage cards such as Blade Dancer or Zealot and the support will play a variation of a Shaman deck to rank up the damage dealer.
As a damage dealer, you want to set up your board as quickly as possible so that it is ready for the incoming Shamans from the support player.
You want to have your damage units next to your support units for maximum damage throughout the Co-Op run.
The support player should not merge any Shamans until the damage dealer has their board properly set up because it is hard to merge and get rid of higher rank units if they are not in place.
Do not worry about your board at all as a support, the bosses will destroy most of your board throughout the run, but it is not your role to deal any damage whatsoever anyway.