What are Heroes in Rush Royale?
Heroes are units with special skills that heavily affect the state of the game.
If used correctly, they can be the sole factor that can make you win a game.
The current heroes are:
- Trainer
- Jay
- Elementalist
- Snowflake
- Trickster
- Gadget
- Mari
- Zeus
- Necromancer
Using your hero’s special ability requires morale that is generated every second as you play in-game.
The amount of morale you generate per second is determined by the total amount of morale all your active units have.
You can view how much morale you need to activate each hero’s ability below.
Naturally, support units have more morale than DPS units, so units like Mime can have 10 Morale, but units such as Inquisitor cannot have more than 5,
Which Hero Should You Use?
It is important to fully grasp the abilities of all heroes, and how they synergize with your units so you know which hero is optimal for every deck that you play.
You need to identify what is weak and strong about your deck and where your chosen hero fits into this dilemma most appropriately.
Ultimately, the best thing you can do is play the game and see how the heroes work, then when you switch around to different decks, think about situations when the hero’s special ability could save you the game!
Enhancing Your Deck
Trainer has a few great use cases for certain decks.
The dummy clumps units together, which works brilliantly for units that deal Area of Effect (AoE) damage such as Inquisitor.
If your deck can consistently defeat a boss shortly after its first ability, the extra attack speed (trainer level 5) and damage (trainer level 10) you receive upon hero activation can kill bosses before they have a chance to affect your units. eg, Blade Dancer decks.
Making up for Your Weakness
As you gain trophies and climb up the ladder, games also become longer.
This means that you need to use units that can deal a high amount of damage late in the game.
However, these same units are usually terrible in the early game and deal very little damage (Zealot, Robot), or they are support units that rely on having other higher-rank units in the game (Hex, Knights Statue).
In this situation, heroes such as Snowflake or Jay that can execute enemies during the first wave will give you all the time you need to build up your board for your late-game damage.
How to Unlock Heroes
All heroes are unlocked by collecting a bunch of hero fragments. Once unlocked, you can then level up heroes to make their abilities even stronger.
These hero fragments can be obtained via a variety of different methods listed below.
Premium Pass Rewards
Your primary method of obtaining hero fragments will be through the season pass rewards and the hero tavern rewards.
The best way to obtain all of these rewards is to do as many quests as you can, keep checking them, and fill their requirements.
This means you will have to play many aspects of the game, both Co-Op and PvP daily to get the best rewards possible!
Epic/Rare Hero Chest

The epic and rare hero’s chest can be purchased from the shop for 800 and 300 crystals respectively.
You are ‘almost’ always guaranteed Trainer fragments when opening these chests, you then.
Each hero will unlock a new ability at regular intervals (levels 5, 10 & 15), each interval granting a significant boost to the power or utility of that hero.
It takes more and more hero fragments to upgrade your hero to the next level.
Rhandum Roulette

Every hour, you can watch an ad to spin the Rhandum Roulette for a chance at receiving a low-level reward.
If you’re very close to either unlocking or leveling up a hero, I’d advise using this feature, otherwise, the rewards here are usually pretty poor, I’d recommend spending your time playing the game instead.
Every Hero Described in Rush Royale
As you increase the level of each hero, all abilities you have unlocked for that hero will also increase making hero levels very important!
Level 1 – (Companion) – Summons a dummy to the field, blocking monster movement for a limited time.
Level 5 – (Combat Training) – Increases the attack speed of your units while the dummy is on the field.
Level 10 – (Team Boost) – Increases damage dealt by your units on the field.
Level 15 – (Explosive Surprise) – When the dummy goes away, the dummy explodes, dealing area damage around it.
Jay’s Abilities
Level 1 – (Rain of Arrows) – Jay summons a rain of arrows, dealing damage and slowing monsters in a small area.
Level 5 – (Marksmanship) – Increases the critical chance of Rain of Arrows.
Level 10 – (Wind’s Speed) – Creates points on random tiles. Units on those tiles have greater attack speed. Extra points will appear at levels 15 and 20.
Level 15 – (Sherwood Hunters) – Increases the damage and attack speed of units after using Rain of Arrows. Archers also receive an extra 15% damage increase as a permanent bonus.
Level 1 – (Power of the Elements) – An odd number of uses summons a meteor shower, incinerating opponents and forming craters that block their path. An even number of uses summons a storm that reduces armor, dealing 3% of the enemy’s health as damage periodically, also stunning them briefly.
Level 5 – (Icy Rain) – The rain also slows monsters down for a short period of time.
Level 10 – (Double Trouble) – When a crater disappears, it also stuns nearby monsters.
Level 15 – (Energy Charge) – During a storm, 3 random ally units get a damage bonus for 15 seconds.
Level 1 – (Winter’s Kiss) – Temporarily freezes enemies and deals damage to them.
Level 5 – (Cold Welcome) – When an opponent’s unit appears or merges, it has a chance to be frozen. In Co-Op mode, it temporarily receives the ability to slow enemies.
Level 10 – (Best Served Cold) – Has a chance to slow monsters after receiving an activated negative effect.
Level 15 – (Frostbite) – The Winter’s Kiss ability also reduces monster armor levels, making them take more damage.
Level 1 – (Magic Theft) – Steals part of the mana received by the other player from all sources in PvP mode. Copies it in Co-Op mode.
Level 5 – (Costly Prank) – Throws a flask every 600 mana that deals damage and covers enemies in liquid that makes monsters give more mana when they die. Leaves behind a puddle, monsters that step into it are slowed by 20%.
Level 10 – (Mutual Benefit) – When a unit is summoned, it has a certain chance to give back all the mana spent to summon it.
Level 15 – (Secret Technique) – Gives mana when activated, also increases unit damage for each 100 mana in reserve. Damage increases cannot be higher than 40%.
Level 1 – (Technical Breakthrough) – Places a mechanism on the field, increasing the damage of the unit standing on the same tile. Once the field is completely filled, activating this ability causes anvils to fall, dealing heavy damage and slowing monsters 40%.
Level 5 – (High-Speed Radiance) – Increases the attack speed of units standing on a tile with a mechanism.
Level 10 – (Critical Thinking) – Increases the chance of critical attack for units standing on a tile with a mechanism.
Level 15 – (Eternal Engine) – Increases the number of mechanisms that spawn by up to 3. Has a chance to create golden mechanisms that double bonuses.
Level 1 – (Major Experiment) – Destroys 5 random monsters on the field and summons a large jelly to your opponent’s side. When destroyed, the jelly gives 500% mana in PvP, and in Co-Op it gives mana to the player and ally.
Level 5 – (Runaway Experiment) – When this ability is activated, there is a chance to summon an additional fast jelly to your opponent’s side. When it dies, it gives half the amount of mana compared to the large jelly.
Level 10 – (Unstable Connection) – When a mini-boss appears on the field, it is hit by mucus, binding nearby monsters on impact. All damage except for area damage received by any monster in the cluster is redirected to the others.
Level 15 – (Perfect Experiment) – Whenever a regular monster appears, there’s a chance to absorb it instantly. After 3 absorptions, summon a regular jelly to your opponent’s side.
Level 1 – (Storm) – Calls down lightning that deals damage. Has a chance to instantly kill common monsters. Damages bosses and mini-bosses for 20% of their health. Damaged monsters are stunned.
Level 5 – (Overload) – The death of a monster has a chance to cause an explosion that deals damage and stuns nearby monsters for ‘x’ seconds. Stunned monsters take 40% more damage.
Level 10 – (Static Shock) – Increases critical damage by % of your current level.
Level 15 – (Divine Power) – Spawning or merging a unit gives a chance to increase a random unit’s rank by +1.
Level 1 – (Grave SIlence) – Summons a Lich in Pvp that blocks your opponent’s hero’s abilities and freezes units that fall under its aura. In Co-Op, the Lich spawns in front of the first enemy, blocking their path for 6s and increasing the damage taken by monsters under its aura by 30%.
Level 5 – (Cursed Earth) – Creates two tiles on the player’s field in which units have the chance to instantly kill a monster. This effect does not work on bosses and summoned monsters.
Level 10 – (Fear of Death) – Instant kill effects from the Cursed Earth ability give additional mana and summon ghosts to your opponent’s field. Ghosts are not summoned in Co-Op.
Level 15 – (Necrotic Invigoration) – Instant kill effects from the Cursed Earth have a 50% chance to heal common monsters on your opponent’s side in PvP and deal damage to the target’s current health in PvE.