Rush Royale Robot Decks 2023

Robot is one of the newer units to be added to Rush Royale and it can only be obtained through the Royal Trials Event.

Robot starts off with no attributes and cannot attack, it instead has an internal counter. As you merge robots throughout the game, this internal counter will increase, adding new attributes at regular intervals.

As you play through your match, you need to find the perfect balance between increasing Robot’s counter to get new abilities and making sure you have enough Robot’s on the board at all times to deal damage.

It is a fairly straightforward unit to play, you just need to survive the early game and remember what number your counter is on.

Robot Deck Examples

All Robot decks consist of Robot, Harlequin and Mime plus:

  • Clock of Power, Magic Cauldron
  • Magic Cauldron, Shaman
  • Stasis, Summoner
  • Bombardier, Summoner

To use Robot, you must use, Harlequin and Mime. You then simply need to couple this with a support unit that can clump enemies together so you can utilize Robots’ heavy area damage.

Bombardier is always very useful for stunning bosses so that they are unable to cast their abilities on your units.

How To Play Robot

Focus on trying to survive the early game and you should see yourself dominating all the way to wave 4/5 with no problem!

Find a balance between merging robots that will give you damage vs increasing your robot counter.