Every 30 days in Rush Royale’s game cycle represents a new season.
During a season, you can play PvP mode in the battle menu to gain trophies and climb the PvP ladder which consists of various powerful rewards such as legendary units, faction cores, gold and crystals.
For those who are good enough to rank above trophy level 7000, you have a chance to place yourself on the leaderboards, where everybody can see your name in absolute glory!
Unfortunately, it’s very unlikely you will ever place on the leaderboards without spending a huge amount of real money as these players have powerful items to increase their damage and have a very high amount of critical damage.
Once the season resets, you will be rewarded a huge season reward bonus depending on which Arena/League you managed to reach that season, so you always want to rank as high as possible for the best rewards.
This is certainly a game where the people on top stay on top if they keep pushing and playing as they get all the best rewards.
Season Pass

During a season, you can gain season levels that contribute towards your season rewards.
You gain levels by earning tokens, which are best earned by completing quests, but also by playing PvP and Co-Op mode.
You can earn every type of reward or item through the season rewards, have a look in-game to see what you can obtain through the season. Some are shown in the image above.
If you’re F2P, you only have access to the Free Pass on the right side of the screen, where you can earn 1 guaranteed legendary at level 103.
It takes consistency to reach the max level, to speed this up, just make sure that you are completing your quests every day and you should reach it no problem!
Premium Pass
If you’re P2W and purchase a Premium Pass, you can collect 2 rewards for each level and can obtain a total of 3 legendary cards per season, which is great for somebody who has just started playing the game.
Click here for our Beginner’s guide
Take note, however, when you purchase a Premium Pass, it will expire at the end of the current season you are playing, so if you purchase a Premium Pass when there are only 2 days to go, you will only have the Pass for 2 days before you must purchase another one.
Token Doublers

When earning tokens through PvP or Co-Op, you can get twice the number of tokens for finishing a match if you have token doublers at hand.
You can earn up to 200 tokens in a limited period of time before you have to wait for your supply to refresh. You get 20 tokens in your storage every few hours.
Every season, the number of trophies you have will reset to 1/3 of the trophies you achieved over 4000. You cannot start the new season with more than 5000 trophies.
If you end the season with 5500 trophies, you will start the next season with 4500.
5500 – 4000 = 1500 1500 / 3 = 500 4000 + 500 = 4500
If you end the season with more than 7000 trophies, you will always start the new season with 5000 trophies.