Stardew Valley offers players many various activities. Among them, fishing stands out as a love-hate activity by the community. 

Fishing in Stardew Valley is not just a leisure activity; it’s also a fantastic way to earn gold, complete bundles, and catch unique items. In this guide, we’ll dive deep into the world of fishing in Stardew Valley.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding the basic mechanics of fishing.
  • Best fishing spots for different seasons.
  • Tips and tricks for catching legendary fish.
  • Using the right equipment: rods, tackles, and baits.

Basic Mechanics of Fishing

Casting Your Line

Starting with the basics, fishing in Stardew Valley involves casting your line into water bodies like rivers, lakes, and the ocean. Your aim is to catch the moving fish in the green bar while carefully keeping it in place until the meter fills up.

The further from the shore you cast, the higher the quality of the fish you are likely to catch.

The Fishing Bar

When a fish takes the bait, a fishing bar appears. It contains a moving fish icon and a green bar that you control. To successfully catch a fish, keep the green bar behind the fish icon until the progress bar on the right fills up to the top.

Maximizing Cast Distance

To increase the likelihood of catching high-quality fish, you need to cast your line as far as possible. To do this:

  • Hold down the action button to build up power in the casting bar.
  • Release when the bar is full or near full for the maximum casting distance.

Using Food and Buffs

Certain foods and drinks, like the Dish o’ The Sea or Trout Soup, boost temporary fishing skills. Consuming these before fishing can make it easier to catch difficult fish and is especially useful when trying to catch legendary fish.

The fishing minigame can be hard enough as it is for many people, even when using techniques to make the experience easier.

Perfect Catches

Achieving a perfect catch, where the fish never escapes the green bar from the initial moment it bites, grants extra fishing experience. Perfect catches are fantastic for helping you level up your fishing skill faster.

Catching Legendary Fish

Stardew Valley is home to some legendary fish that present a challenge even for experienced players. They are unique, can be caught only once (or at least once per event), and sell for an incredible price.

Tips for Legendary Fish

  • Upgrade to Iridium Rod.
  • Use the Trap Bobber.
  • Fish in specific locations during the proper seasons and weather conditions. For instance, the Angler can be caught north of JojaMart in Fall.

Stardew Valley Wiki on Legendary Fish is a handy resource for a complete list of legendary fish and their locations.

Fishing Equipment: Rods, Tackles, and Baits


There are three types of fishing rods available:

Rod TypeCostFeatures
Bamboo Pole500gBasic rod
Fiberglass Rod1800gCan use bait
Iridium Rod7500gCan use both bait and tackle

As a beginner, you will start with the Bamboo Pole. As you level up in fishing, consider upgrading to benefit from baits and tackles.

Baits and Tackles

Baits help in attracting fish faster, while tackles provide various advantages like decreasing the fish’s escape rate or increasing the chance of finding treasures. Some popular tackles include:

  • Spinner: Increases bite rate.
  • Trap Bobber: Makes fish escape slower.
  • Treasure Hunter: Increases the chance of finding treasures.

For more in-depth information on tackles and their benefits, visit Stardew Valley Wiki on Tackles.

Best Fishing Spots for Different Seasons

Fishing in Stardew Valley changes with the seasons. Knowing where and when to fish is essential to optimize your catches.


  • River (Town + Forest): Catfish (when raining), Shad, Sunfish
  • Mountain Lake: Largemouth Bass, Carp, Bullhead
  • Ocean: Sardine, Eel (when raining), Anchovy


  • River (Town + Forest): Dorado, Rainbow Trout, Pike
  • Mountain Lake: Sturgeon, Carp
  • Ocean: Tuna, Red Snapper (when raining), Tilapia


  • River (Town + Forest): Tiger Trout, Salmon, and Walleye (when raining)
  • Mountain Lake: Smallmouth Bass, Carp, and Bullhead
  • Ocean: Sardine, Albacore, and Sea Cucumber


  • River (Town + Forest): Lingcod, Perch, and Pike
  • Mountain Lake: Sturgeon, Largemouth Bass, and Perch
  • Ocean: Tuna, Herring, and Squid

This table continues for other seasons, but for now, these are the key fish to target in the early game.

Importance of Fishing for Community Center Bundles

Fishing plays a significant role in completing the Community Center bundles, which is significant to game completion. The Fish Tank bundles specifically require different types of fish from various locations and seasons. Completing these bundles can reward players with useful items and game advancements.

Having covered the basics of fishing in Stardew Valley in our previous section, this guide will delve into more advanced fishing techniques, explore the fishing-related quests, and answer some frequently asked questions about fishing in this enthralling game.

Fishing-Related Quests

Besides the daily fishing tasks villagers provide, unique fishing quests can immensely challenge and reward players. 

Some quests will even provide you with money for completing the quest, but will also allow you to keep your fish, so you can earn additional gold or use them for cooking recipes.

Mr. Qi’s Challenge

One of the more mysterious figures in Stardew Valley, Mr. Qi, offers a special fishing challenge. Found in Qi’s Walnut Room, players are tasked with catching specific fish under set conditions. Successful completion can yield lucrative rewards.

Willy’s Special Orders

The local fisherman, Willy, often has special orders for seasoned fishermen. These quests usually involve catching a specific number or type of fish and can provide handsome gold rewards and unique items.

For more on these and other fishing quests, the Stardew Valley Wiki on Quests provides extensive details.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I increase my fishing skill faster?

  • Practice: The more you fish, the faster you’ll level up.
  • Perfect catches: Aim for these to gain extra XP.
  • Food & Buffs: Consuming items like Trout Soup can temporarily boost your fishing skill, helping you catch fish more easily and level up faster.

Why can’t I catch the fish in the Secret Woods?

The fish in the Secret Woods is the Woodskip, a specialty fish. It will be challenging for beginners but becomes more manageable with practice and an upgraded rod.

Do different rods have different casting distances?

Yes, the better the rod, the further you can cast. The Iridium Rod, being the best in the game, offers the farthest casting distance.

What happens if I fish in the Witch’s Swamp?

The Witch’s Swamp has a unique fish called the Void Salmon. It’s challenging to catch but sells for a decent price.