Skins Explained
Completing skin upgrade challenges will unlock skins that provide you with huge bonuses for your character when they are equipped, but you have to defeat a tough boss to earn the skin.
Each skin also has powerful options, giving you bonus stats to strengthen your character. On top of this, they all have owned effects if you roll a Mythical or God-grade option on every slot that is permanent – So make sure you unlock the owned effect on every skin you have, even if you don’t wear it!
Boss Challenge
To clear the boss’s challenges, you need to deal as much damage as possible and have enough defense to stay alive as the bosses hit very hard! Make sure that you are rolling your best options in all areas of the game such as your pets, skins, weapons etc. to give you the best advantage.
On top of this, the 4th boss onwards will introduce PEN and ACU threshold you need to achieve, or your damage to the boss will be drastically reduced. I will display the thresholds below.
Accuracy and Penetration Thresholds
Hero of Challenge: None
Hero of Advancement: None
Hero of Razor: None
Hero of Paladin: PEN 2300
Hero of Holiness: PEN 6000 / ACU 2400
Hero of Legend: PEN 12000 / ACU 5500
Mythical Hero: PEN 35750 / ACU 19000
Messenger of God: PEN 45750 / ACU 27700