How to Reach Level 100 Quickly in Hero Siege

Reaching level 100 allows you to equip any level-restricted item and grants you access to all your talents giving you the highest possible stats to crush through end-game content.  

Leveling in Hero Siege is a straightforward process. Kill as many monsters as possible in a short period at the highest level possible to maximize your experience rate.

To do this efficiently, you want to kill enemies so quickly that you never have to stop moving around the map. 

I will detail a guide to help you through the leveling process.

Tip for Starting Characters

  • If you have already maxed out a character and have plenty of leftover legendary/mythic powder, put your powders into the stash so all your characters can access the powder.
  • Take the powder to the blacksmith on your new character to craft early legendary and mythic items, allowing you to shred through enemies from level 1, gaining tonnes of levels in no time.
  • It is especially important to get some decent boots early on so that you can move around the map quickly.
  • As soon as you stop 1-shotting monsters (until level 70), create a new set of items to further boost your damage again.
  • Remember, do not fight monsters who are 20 levels above or below you, as you will not gain any experience from defeating them.

After crafting your items, they will drop on the floor near the blacksmith, and you will be fully kitted out to deal massive damage!


Collecting and hoarding relics throughout your leveling experience will significantly increase your experience rate. 

Relics that allow you to fly, increase movement speed, and grant all talents bonuses will greatly increase your overall map clear speed. We have a guide on quickly farm relics that you can read here.

Finish the Campaign on Normal and Nightmare Difficulty

First, I would focus on finishing the campaign in normal and Nightmare mode. You must complete them to start farming items on Hell mode, the highest difficulty.

I recommend finding the exit as quickly as possible to reach the next stage.

The next difficulty will be unlocked once you defeat Mevius in Subconscious Mind (Act 7-5). This is also clear by the fact that your character will be sent back to the Town of Inoya after defeating him.

Farm Zones With a High Volume of Monsters and Minimal Obstacles

Once you have unlocked Hell mode, I recommend farming on a few acts on Nightmare mode, adjusting the difficulty slider as high as possible but maintaining a high kill speed.

While looking for the exits, activate any waypoints you see on your path(don’t go out of your way to look for them) and enter any Unstable Rifts or Chaos Towers you come across, as both offer fantastic experiences when completed.

I recommend 3 zones for you to farm:

  1. Fields of Battle (Act 1-2)
  2. Pyramid Level 1 & 2 (Act 3-4/5)
  3. The Depth of Hell (Act 6-5)

Choose your favorite zone and select ‘Vote Reset’ in the start menu to reset the level. Then, the waypoint straight back to the same level and repeat the process.

Personally, I like farming Fields of Battle, and then increasing the difficulty slider before creating the game. This way, you can very quickly navigate back to fields of battle after resetting (as a controller user).

Farm Hell Mode

If you have enough gear to withstand Hell Mode, this will be your best source of experience, and the ability to drop gear that will be very useful for you. 

Once you reach 100, you will be farming Hell Mode anyway, so why not make a head start and get lucky on some drops for your hero.

Farming Hell Mode on the highest possible difficulty at high speed will earn you the greatest amount of High-Quality Satanic gear at the fastest rate possible.

As mentioned earlier, clear speed is essential. You never want to spend more than 2 seconds killing monsters. Otherwise, you want to lower your difficulty.