In this guide, we will give you a detailed guide on how to get started in King God Castle, aiding you through the first 7 chapters so you can receive a powerful relic to boost your account and start farming gold and even better relics.
Rapid Sword should be your very first objective.
If you have already advanced your account, check out our Hero Tier List.
Why Is the Rapid Sword Relic So Good?

Rapid Sword is the turning point preventing you from being stuck on lower-level chapters. It increases the attack speed per number of the same heroes you have on the battlefield. Stacking 5 of the same hero will grant them a fast attack speed (Any more than 5 will not increase attack speed).
When using Rapid Sword, it is very beneficial to use Alter of Heroes and Alter of Greed to place as many high-rank units as possible on the battlefield.
Level Up Your Heroes
Your best tank is Leonhardt.
Evan is the best damage dealer out of all the heroes you start with. He has decent damage and has the quickest attack rate at 1.20, so it is best to equip bows on him. In addition, bows increase the hero’s attack speed by a percentage, so if the hero has a high base attack speed, it will be increased much further than equipping bows on a hero with a slow attack speed.
1.20 attack rate with 100% bonus from bow = 2.40
0.67 attack rate with 100% bonus from bow = 1.34

Repeat Chapter 1 while increasing the challenge points (do not add enemy tier) until you get Leon, Evan, and Daniel to level 4 and some level to Aramis and Pryia (you won’t use Daniel or Pryia too much, but you will need some security in case you don’t get luck on early rounds draw).

For battle formation, use Leonhardt to tank and Evan as a damage dealer. If you have too many melee units, use Aramis or Priya for some extra damage.
Bow and Sword to Evan 1 and Staff to Evan 2 (you should only have 2 Evans).
Prepare for the Arena
You will mainly focus on Altar of Hero and Alter of Greed while trying to achieve Rapid Sword. You should put points into your alter as follows:
Before level 5, put all points into Altar of Blood (it doesn’t make too much difference)
- level 5 – Hero 5
- level 10 – Hero 10 (up to hero 14)
- level 15 – Hero 10 + Greed 5
- level 20 – Hero 15 + Greed 10
- level 25 – Hero 15 + Greed 10
Chapter 2 is relatively easy and nothing worth mentioning, so the chapters use the previous strategy. There’s no need to increase challenge points.
Then you should farm chapter 3 until:
- Your Altar is level 10 (to use hero 10)
- You put more levels on Aramis and Leonhardt (no need to level up other heroes).
You should then aim to achieve the following levels on your heroes:
- Aramis (5)
- Evan (4)
- Daniel (4)
- Leonhardt (4)
- Priya (4)
- Alberon (1)
Unlocking the Alliance
The Alliance unlocks at level 7. Once you have unlocked it, try to get into an active Alliance, as you will receive bonus gold when you complete game activities. You can also use the Alliance to earn extra gold by giving other members units & you can request members to provide you with units.
The battle formation is the same as the previous formation, except you should put a bow and staff on Evan 1 and a sword on Evan 2.
Get Penetrating Spear From Arena

Once you reach level 10, the arena is unlocked. Win battles until you get 80 points to purchase the Penetrating Spear. The Penetrating Spear increases the range of all Heroes by 1 and increases the heroes’ damage if they are further away from the target. Penetrating Spear is a powerful relic for Aramis as he can attack far away from the target.
Aramis Gang Build

Even without relics, I recommend forming an Aramis Gang, but you can use whatever you like.
An Aramis gang is a team full of many Aramis units attacking from the back line of the battlefield with tanks on the front line to soak up all the damage. Aramis gangs synergize incredibly well with Penetrating Spear and Rapid Sword, making it a popular option for many types of content.
Early in the arena, there are a lot of bots (teams without relics and low-level), so it won’t be too hard to get some victories and earn points quickly.

Once you get the fragment, open 1 or 2 common relic chests. Using gold, you can clear chapters 1 and 2 corrupted for Relic Chest Keys or open chests. You want to dismantle everything to have enough dust to craft the relic.

Buy a Magical Combine Stone from the Event Shop and upgrade the Penetrating Spear to tier-2 (silver).
Repeat the process of upgrading Penetrating Spear to tier-3 (gold) or farm chapter 5 and upgrading it later.
Upgrade Aramis and Leonhardt to Level 8
Throughout Chapter 4, use the same strategy you used to clear Chapter 3 or the Aramis Gang strategy. Then, you can go straight to Chapter 5 or add some challenge points to get a scroll reward.

You should then farm chapters 5-6 with Leonhardt as your tank and Aramis as DPS on the rear until:
- Aramis is level 8
- Leonhardt level 8
- Penetrating Spear is tier-3 (gold)
Don’t forget to upgrade the Altar!
Unlock Corrupted Chapters 6 and 7
From Chapter 6 onwards, the stages become a lot more strategic. Enemies will have various Crowd Control (CC) effects, such as stun, fear, slow, and grab, so you must be aware of which units will be affected by these abilities. For example, if your best damage dealer is affected by too much CC, you cannot clear the chapter.

Bait Aramis – Weak Aramis you use as bait for enemies to target so that your strong Aramis are protected.
For Chapter 6, I advise the following:

Pay attention to the enemies and bait them. For example, protect Aramis from being hooked by placing a tank as far away as possible so the tank will get hooked.
Place bait Aramis for rock throwers that target units furthest away.

Against the boss, use only Aramis. Place the strong Aramis’ in the center and the weak ones on the edges as bait.
Chapter 7
Chapter 7 can be rather complex if you are not used to the units, so I advise the following:

Banshee will cause fear; therefore, place 1 Aramis in front of her and a tank beside Aramis so that the fear will push Aramis to the backline.

The reaper will teleport to the farthest unit, so bait him with 1 weak Aramis. The banshee’s fear will push Leonhardt from the front to the back and face the reaper.

In this situation, bait with 2 Aramis, but be careful of reaper area damage, and don’t place the other Aramis on the last rear line.

The knights have a large area of damage, so sometimes Aramis will take some damage, but it is not enough to worry about.

This boss uses fear twice, followed by a stun wave. It is challenging for melee or short-range units to reach her, but this is no concern when using Aramis. Just ensure Aramis has enough HP to survive the 1st stun wave.
Farm Corrupted Chapter 7 To Get Rapid Sword
Now, you will start clearing corrupted chapters so you can work your way up to chapter 7 to obtain Rapid Sword.
Corrupted chapters 1 and 2 should be easy to complete.

Corrupted chapters 3 and 4 are a bit more complicated. Many units spawn throughout these chapters, so it would be best to use units with many AoE, such as Mel, but you should still be able to clear it using the same strategies.

Corrupted Chapter 5 is pretty straightforward, but you may find the boss challenging because he activates his skill faster, and it drains more HP. The more units in his skill area, the more HP he recovers, so separate 1 or 2 Aramis from the others to bait the boss. Make him walk so he drains less HP if he breaks Leonhardt’s front line.

Corrupted Chapter 6 uses the same strategy as the normal Chapter 6, but there are a few things to add:
You may need some luck to get Aramis tier-3 early, or the tanks won’t survive long enough to protect the rear.
You may need some double-level up through the rounds (Altar of Heroes).

This is an enemy you should be aware of throughout corruption 6.
The Rock Thrower Orc, without a helmet, will aim at the closest target, aiming for Leonhardt. If both Leonhardts die, it is good to use 1 bait Aramis for the enemy that aims for the farthest target.

This corrupted boss will jump earlier, but the normal chapter strategy can be used.
Corrupted Chapter 7 is the main goal from the start. You should farm here until you get Rapid Sword fragments. You don’t necessarily need to clear the mission to obtain fragments, so don’t worry about failing.
And that’s it! You want to max out your Relics, and you will have a great foundation to start collecting more heroes, build up better teams, and work towards a full set of level 16 heroes. Thank you very much for reading.
After You Achieve Rapid Sword
Once you have received your Rapid Sword, you can build much more powerful team compositions to get you started in the game.