Deciding how to spend your premium in-game currency is difficult in any game.
This is your real-life money, you’ve got to be smart about how you use it!
Therefore, I want to give you all the information I can to help you make the best decisions with your crystals.
Best Options
Archmage’s Chest

If you don’t have a full set of legendaries yet, crystals should always be spent on the Archmage’s chest (999 crystals) which grants you 15000 gold and allows you to pick between 2 random legendary cards plus a handful of tokens that contribute towards the Hero Tavern.
You can also pick between 2 random less rare cards as a little bonus. This is always the best value for money, save up for this option!
Epic Hero’s Chest

Once you have all the legendary cards, and they’re at a decent level, it’s then time to focus on obtaining and leveling up your heroes.
Heroes will have a huge impact on your ability to win your game once they are leveled up high enough, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve won a game because my trainer held the boss for 0.1s longer.
The Epic Hero’s Chest (800 crystals) is the best value for money here which guarantees up to 300 trainer fragments, 15-35 rare hero fragments, and 0-22 epic hero fragments.
Worst Options
Everything listed from this point on should be avoided unless you have high-level legendary cards and heroes.
After that, you can purchase some of the lesser pleasantries in this game such as purchasing gold or season pass levels (never do this).

Don’t be tempted by the emotes in the shop, they really aren’t worth the money.
Well, at the end of the day, if you think something looks cool go ahead and purchase it!
But what we really need is some new chat emotes!
This would also provide far more use in Co-Op to coordinate merges with your teammate, helping you reach higher levels.
Every season (30-day cycle), there is an emote to unlock at level 50. If you purchase a premium, there is another one at level 10!
After you play the game for a few seasons, you’ll have plenty of emotes, thanking yourself for saving those earlier crystals.
Every other chest beside the Archmage and Epic Hero chests I explained above is not worth purchasing at any point in the game.
Avoid the Wizard Chest for 400 crystals!
It may look tempting because of the chance of getting a legendary, plus the bonus gold that you receive.
You only have a 10% chance to obtain a legendary card from this chest, and if my maths serves me well, each legendary card will cost roughly 4000 crystals!
Season Levels

If you click the Premium Pass section at the top of your game window, you can view your current level progress throughout this season. Here there is also an option to pay 30 crystals to advance 1 level.
The ONLY time I would ever consider buying a level with crystals is if the next reward is a legend chest (guaranteed legendary) and you won’t be able to grind the levels out for it normally by completing quests and making full use of your token doubler.
Remember that you can only receive the rewards on the left (purple) side if you have purchased the Premium Pass.

Never do this, never ever buy gold with crystals! Unless you’re an absolute whale and want to throw $1000s into this game, your crystals are always better spent trying to obtain more legendary cards and hero fragments.
The top 500 whales in Rush Royale spend roughly $50,000+ on this game!
The only time this is ever viable is when you have a legendary in the shop that you do not have and you have no time to farm gold in Co-Op until the shop refreshes again.

Potions are used to heal your team after it is defeated during Clan Tournaments. I would only buy these on your own accord if the tournament is coming to an end and healing your team will ensure that you remain in 1st place.
Otherwise, coordinate using potions with your clan leader or officers (If they are bothered about the tournament in the first place).
If they do not bother, find a clan that makes an attempt to win the Clan Tournament when it comes around. Drop a message in the chat and see who responds!
The clan tournament is another handy way to obtain legendary cards so I recommend that you participate!