What are Items in Rush Royale?

Items increase the stats of many different attributes in Rush Royale from the amount of damage you deal, to the amount of mana you gain for killing enemies.

It currently comes in 3 forms with a 4th slot unavailable:

  1. Weapon
  2. Armor
  3. Amulet

Each item also comes in different rarities, greatly increasing the power of the item by giving it additional power to specific factions in the game.

Examples of items are shown in the slideshow below.

To upgrade your items in Rush Royale, you need to have a set number of item fragments for your specific item slot and some gold at hand to upgrade your item.

The higher the rarity and level of the item, the more item fragments, and gold it costs to upgrade it!

How Do You Craft Items in Rush Royale

To craft items, you must obtain 200 item fragments of the specific type of slot that you would like to upgrade, then you just need a handful of gold to complete the craft.

You can collect item fragments via several different methods:

  1. Career Quest Rewards
  2. Rhandum Roulette
  3. Rare Hero’s Chest
  4. Season Pass Rewards
  5. Event Rewards

How to Increase the Rarity of Your Items

The forge in Rush Royale is used to increase the rarity of your items.

Increasing the rarity of your items will grant you higher overall stats, allow you to upgrade your items to a higher level, and also grant you additional stats for specific factions.


You need to obtain 4 of the exact same items to increase the rarity of one of them.

Since the item you receive when you initially craft an item is random, it can take a long time to collect 4 of the same item piece, and when you want to upgrade a rare item into an Epic item, you need 16 of the same common item to achieve this.

Bear in mind that as you increase the rarity of an item, you lose all its upgrades and it will revert back to level 1.

How to Obtain Heroic Items

Heroic Items are powerful legendary items with unique attributes that boost the power of certain heroes.

They can only be obtained by opening the Heroic Items Chest that requires 50 Heroic tokens.

You can only acquire these tokens through the Heroic Tavern, with only a limited number available to collect until the Heroic Tavern resets.

If you want to know how to progress through the Hero Tavern to increase your chances of obtaining these rewards – click here to view our full Hero Tavern Guide.

The Importance Of Items

To truly reap the benefits of items, you first need to have decent crit damage and unit upgrades to make items more valuable because all equipment is percentage-based.

Once you meet these criteria and your crit damage is above ~1000%, your items start to have a great impact on your damage in-game.

You will never truly understand how much impact items have on your damage once you have it.


Let’s say Unit X attacks every 1 second.

You have some items that grant you: +25% Damage. +25% Attack Speed.

Unit X is level 7 with 100 base damage and you have 500% crit damage. you will deal:

Level 7 Without Items

100 normal (white) damage – 1000 damage in 10 seconds 500 critical (yellow) damage – 5000 damage in 10 seconds

Level 7 With Items

125 normal (white) damage – 1663 damage in 10 seconds 625 critical (yellow) damage – 8313 damage in 10 seconds

In another case, unit X is level 13 with 180 base damage and you have 1500% crit damage. you will deal:

Level 13 Without Items

180 normal (white) damage – 1800 damage in 10 seconds 2700 critical (yellow) damage – 27000 damage in 10 seconds

Level 13 With Items

225 normal (white) damage – 2993 damage in 10 seconds 3375 critical (yellow) damage – 44888 damage in 10 seconds

The results here show that if your units are not leveled up and you have a poor critical strike rating, your damage will not increase