There aren’t many ways you can obtain money quickly in My Time at Sandrock, but there are some best practices to follow.

1. The Knowledge Tree

The Knowledge Tree is a great way to get some extra money. There are 3 skill points that you should be aware of if you want to earn more money/resources:

Quick Delivery Knowledge

The Quick Delivery Knowledge should be unlocked as soon as possible. You will earn 5% extra rewards when completing a commission if you turn it in the same day.

Quality Bonus Knowledge

Similar to Quick Delivery Knowledge, but you will earn 10% extra rewards when completing a commission while turning in high quality. At the beginning of the game, you will not be able to produce high quality, so you do not have to worry about getting this talent straight away. But as soon as you improve your quality, this will be a massive bonus to your commissions.

Chart-Topper Knowledge

The Chart-Topper Knowledge will increase your rewards by 5% if you rank in the top 3 of the Commerce Guild. Like the Quality Bonus Knowledge, you will not benefit from this at the beginning of the game as it will be hard to rank in top 3, but you will be well-rewarded once you can rank in the top 3 of the Commerce Guild.

2. Create Resources Before Selling Them

At the start of the game, you may want to start selling items in your inventory. You should never sell raw resources. There are 3 different items that you can create at the workstation, and you can sell your products for a higher price than the raw resources. 3 things that you should focus on crafting and selling are:

  1. Stone Trough – 5x Stone
  2. Thin Thread – 2x Plant Fibre
  3. Grinding Saws – 4x Dinas + 1 Stone

There will be many more items you can benefit from selling as you play the game, but they will become evident once you know how to craft and trade items comfortably.

3. Keep Track of the Market Price

You should watch out for the market price multiplier when selling items. Go to a vendor and check the multiplier under the vendor. Like Portia, the minimum price is around 70% of the item value, and the maximum price is 130%. Therefore you should sell items when the market price is close to 130% and buy items when the market price is close to 70%.

Be aware that each vendor has a maximum amount of gol in stock, so you cannot exceed their cap. Once you have used all the gol a shop offers, move on to another vendor. Very similar to the Skyrim vendors if you have played the Elder Scrolls games.

4. Do Your Daily Commissions

Every day you can get one commission from the commission Board in the Commerce Guild. At the beginning of the game, you will only get access to one commission per day, but if you keep collecting and finishing them, you will get a lot of relationship points and a lot of gol. At the start, you will only get one-star commissions which you can complete for about 200 gols, but at three stars, you can obtain around 2000 gols.

5. Missions

You will earn a steady stream of gols by completing missions. Don’t just complete the main campaign missions, but also complete side missions. Side missions are also interesting because they teach you a lot about the game and give you many relationship points. You will get about 200-300 gols per mission.

Keep doing side missions every time you see the little question mark in the mini-map at the bottom right of the screen. Then, go to the location and talk to the NPC to complete the missions to earn a lot of gols and relationship points.